Sometimes I look back on my past behaviour and cringe so fucking hard from remembering some of the things I’ve said. To others and to myself. I think sometimes we forget how much weight our words carry and we can get pretty sloppy with our words. And the truth is, what we say we inevitably become. So recently I’ve been trying to be more mindful about what I say and think. This leads me to today’s topic of daily affirmations.
What are daily affirmations?
The basic principle is: what you think you become.
Okay, so I recently heard someone explain why our thoughts shape our reality and therefore why positive thoughts, words and affirmations are important. Here it is.
A thought we continuously have will become something we believe in. Believing will lead us to expect that. Expectations influence our attitude. And attitude drives behaviour.
So what you think of yourself will inevitably affect how you behave. So wouldn’t it be great to think of yourself in the most positive way and think positive things into your life?
Therefore, if you keep telling yourself or writing down a statement of something you believe in every day, you’ll start priming your brain to believe in that and then you will become what is it you affirm. This is where change comes from within.
How do you practice daily affirmations?
☘︎ You basically want to think of who you want to be. Get specific like “I am the kindest and most loving version of me” or “I am confident when I go out and can socialise with anyone I encounter” or “I am a fiction author living in a cute townhome in San Francisco”.
☘︎ Really get into it. You want to get as specific as possible
☘︎ Write it down on a piece of paper and repeat it to yourself or out loud every morning
☘︎ Another option is to have a notebook and write it out every single morning
☘︎ You want to really feel the words you are writing or saying — truly believe and embrace them. Know that these are things you already are on the inside and believe
☘︎ If there is an affirmation that you do not yet fully believe in of yourself, change it to “I’m making space to believe that I am (affirmation)”
☘︎ Involve your body — I've recently found movement while saying affirmations brings a whole new energy as you mix the metaphysical with the physical and also who doesn't like to get a little dance on randomly?
The way I do it is I have one main one I found a while back that I have memorised, which reminds and helps me be the best version of myself (see below for it) and I practice it every morning after I brush my teeth. I also have one specifically for my financial goals and one for my overall life goals, which is written in a manifesto in my Notes app that I read every morning and every night.
Daily Affirmation Cheat Sheet
If you’re lost or don’t know what to write, don’t fret. Sometimes I need a boost of self-love or empowerment that I can’t find the words for myself and that’s where YouTube is my bestie. Search for affirmations and you’ll find hundreds of thousands of videos where you’re guided through positive affirmations. Take 10 minutes in the morning while you’re doing your skincare and just go along and repeat them to yourself. Priming the brain in the morning will serve you in moments of tension or chaos throughout the day.
Affirm what you are below and let’s manifest it together!
Until next time,
Be present in the now and believe that you are who you want to be~
My affirmation:
I am blessed to be me — a soul that is full of light and love.
My intentions are pure and my heart is open to life's limitless possibilities.
My potential is visible through all that I do.
I'm excited for what's unfolding in my life.
I am stronger than I think and my past proves it.
I am capable of so much more than I know.
Opportunities come to me because the universe is aligning me with everything that I am ready for.
I am enough.
I am exactly where I need to be and there is purpose in my current pace.
I once prayed to be where I am today and I've made it this far for a reason.
I trust the process. So may it be.