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Holistic but chill

holistic healing tips
Before I start this blog post let me say this: I believe in vaccines and I’ve been covid vaccinated (Pfizer princess present 🙋) and I believe everyone should go out and get vaccinated.
Now let’s continue.

What is it really though?

Let me explain what holistic and homeopathic is first. Holistic comes from the word holism, which is defined as “a theory that the universe and especially living nature is correctly seen in terms of interacting wholes (as of living organisms) that are more than the mere sum of elementary particles” (Merriam Webster). So then holistic remedies take into consideration healing our systems as a whole not just by focusing on one section of the being. Homeopathy is based on the belief that the body can cure itself (WebMD).

So I’m a big fan of a holistic and homeopathic lifestyle and I’m really careful with what I put in my body – I’ve been like this since I was little because my mom is Wiccan so she raised me this way. I think oftentimes people hear that and think that I was never taken to the doctor or that I was part of some sacrificial circles or something. So no to both of those. But my mom did have holistic remedies for quite a bit of things (I’m writing a whole list of things to post at a later date). And I still use some now and they work. I’ve even gotten some of my friends on a couple of them.

Full Disclosure

I hope everyone reading this knows I’m not trying to convert anyone to a full holistic or homeopathic lifestyle at all – I only use them myself to help with minor issues like headaches, bruises, styes and common colds. I feel like I have to keep saying that I believe modern medicine is amazing and I trust it a thousand percent. I just also think it’s important to have an open mind about alternatives (for anything really) if they’re not going to hurt you even if they don’t work.

A little hiccup

Another reason I’m really cautious of what I put into my body is because I used to do drugs and I’ve had not that great of experiences with some. Without getting into too many details right now, I’ve had instances where I definitely did a little bit too much. It got to the point where now I’m even sensitive to caffeine just because I freak the fuck out if my heartbeat is even slightly above normal.

Truth be told, I’ve become kind of a full-on hypochondriac (did I bury the lead?) I’ve had countless anxiety attacks and a couple of panic attacks because of my health. Truth be told, I’m not even okay being hungover so I avoid overdrinking as much as I can. I’m almost too aware of my being and body sometimes. I also have a pretty sensitive stomach and gut so it’s really just overall rough out here for a little human.

Openmindedness is important

The reason I wanted to write this post and introduce this topic is that I feel privileged that I grew up in both the Eastern and Western worlds and I would like to share what I’ve learned from one culture to another and I hope that you’ll be open to it. Again, nothing I recommend is something you should immediately run out and do. I would say do your own research, talk to your health practitioner (if you have one - trust me I know the no health insurance lifestyle so hello Dr Google) and don’t forget about moderation. The things I do and would end up recommending shouldn’t hurt you as they mainly use food and drinks that we already consume but be wary of allergens, please!

Have you ever tried or heard of any holistic/homeopathic remedies? How do you feel about holistic/homeopathic ways? Let us know below! I’m open to hearing your opinions and arguments and I promote a healthy debate as long as everything come from a place of love and teaching and not anger, please.

Until next time,

Be present in the now and keep an open mind


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