I love a grounding moment and I think with the pace at which we live life nowadays we need them more than ever. Humans were super in touch with nature from the beginning of time so what happened? We can into a whole thing about why that is and have long discussions about tech, social media, productivity culture and so on. The bottom line is that sometimes I think we forget how important the natural is.
We come from the earth - ashes to ashes and all. So it really almost only makes sense to be connected to the earth while we’re alive. We need moments of connectivity to our ancestral roots and times of earth’s past and the best way to do that is through the process of grounding.
The best part is how accessible it is (as long as it's not the dead of winter then trust me even I can't get into it unless maybe it's not snowing and you do a quick walk around a beach).
It’s super easy to do and anyone can do it and you can probably even do it after reading this
What is grounding?
Grounding, also called earthing, is the act of walking on the earth barefoot. You can also wear natural fibre shoes like leather or hemp as long as you have a flat sole to be as close to the earth as possible. Barefoot is really the best but I know it’s hard in the cold months hence the shoe option.
You want to walk around and really feel the ground beneath you. Stay present and connected. If you focus enough and open your mind to it, you’ll feel the energy flowing between you and the earth you stand on.
Benefits of grounding
So there are many benefits to grounding that you might at first only start to notice slightly but it's a practice like any other where the more you do it, the more benefits you'll see.
⦿ Alleviates anxiety — nature's frequencies are so good for us and they create the best atmosphere for our own frequencies to quiet and slow down
⦿ Decreases feelings of alienation — sometimes, especially if you live in a big city, you can feel lost and alone (honestly I think you can feel this way no matter where you live because of social media) but in nature, we are all always welcome and wanted and accepted and there we can realise that we are never truly alone as life surrounds us all around
⦿ Reduces inflammation — walking is great for you (we really should all take a 20-minute walk a day and I think just that would make everyone less stressed and happier) and that physical activity combined with the connection to the earth and fresh air has shown to help people with inflammation
⦿ Reduces stress — sometimes we get so stressed and caught up in our day to day life that what we really forget to do is breathe so taking ourselves out of our usual space that's a home or office and going outside to reconnect with nature will allow us to slow your mind and chances are you'll be pulled towards wanting to breathe deeper because nothing can beat that fresh, clean smell of wood and grass and life
⦿ Great for alignment — whether you're looking for physical, mental and/or spiritual, many of life's answers and comforts lie in your backyard, so why shouldn't you as well?
Other ways to practice grounding
◘ Gardening or taking a walk in nature — simply connecting to nature with your body and hands can do wonders for you (if you don't have a backyard yourself look into parks around you, they often need volunteers so that'd be a great place to reconnect with nature and also help out your community)
◘ Use your imagination — this I mean in the form of visualisation. Sometimes using your mind to connect with nature even if you can't be present there can help. Sit somewhere quiet where you won't be disturbed, take a couple of deep breaths, close your eyes and think about the most beautiful forest or beach or mountain grounds and allow your mind to take you on a journey through there. Really try to focus and feel the earth beneath your feet and try to smell that ocean air. In a pinch, this really does work wonders.
◘ Breathwork — if you're in any sort of pickle, meditation can usually be used to help solve your problem. Simply sitting in your home with your feet on the ground and breathing will help you get grounded and what's great is that you can do this for as little as 5 minutes or 2 hours
What do you think about the practice of grounding? Let’s start a conversation below <3
Until next time,
Stay present in the now and definitely ground yourself~