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Positive vibes podcasts

listening to podcast using airpods

She says that podcasts sell time and she’s totally right about that. A podcast is one of those mediums that you can consume while you’re doing other things like cooking, cleaning and walking. Now I believe in mindfulness so I believe that doing things like cooking, cleaning and walking should be done while focusing on and really enjoying it (as much as you can at least) but I also know that sometimes there are days where you just need something else to focus on and learning from/entertained by others is kind of the best.

Why are podcasts so popular?

There is a podcast about everything nowadays and so many podcasters like Mrs. Bosstick and Joe Rogen bring on super interesting guests that are specialists in their field. It’s truly a great way to learn because I feel like it’s a conversational ted talk. Sometimes I can’t consume someone just lecturing so following along a conversation is ideal. There’s a reason talk shows are still around right? We like to see an engaged host and guest – it creates connectivity and you can feel the interest radiating from both.

Best podcasts for good energy

I love starting the day with a podcast - The Daily Stoic is amazing - super short (under 10 minutes) and it provides motivation for the day.

Some good morning ones are

Some other ones I love to follow are the

Do you have any favourite podcasts? Let us know below!

Until next time,

Stay present in the now and commit to listening to one podcast episode a day for a week and see what you learn~


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