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Prime your brain from the AM

morning mindfulness blog

You know when people ask if you’re an early bird or a night owl? Well, I always wanted to say both but then I would remember that I’m only a morning person if the morning goes my way and that would be maybe 10% of my days. And we’ve heard about morning routines forever now and how important they are and how they set your day and make it better. But I have this weird thing where I can’t stand the thought of routines. The thought of doing the same thing over and over and over again makes me want to cry. Recently though I have sat comfortably at a dining table with a nice white table cloth and a glass of chilled Albariño and eaten my words. For the past month, I’ve had a morning ritual.

Routine vs. Ritual

First, we should talk about routine vs ritual. I personally prefer to have a ritual as it feels more of a spiritual word than a business-like word (looking right at you through sunglasses and judging you “routine”). And I like my mornings to be a spiritual practice. Or maybe I’m just one of those people who get really bothered by certain words. I can’t be alone, right? Anyway, I decided to implement one because as 27 came closer and closer I made the conscious choice to start living as my best self and to do everything I can to do so.

The benefits of having a morning ritual

Consistency in life is key - it’s not about doing everything all the time, it’s about doing what you can as often as you can - trust me, my full ritual doesn’t happen often - life happens and sometimes you oversleep or have things come up from the first ring of your alarm clock (when snooze is not an option you know? 🤢) but even doing 2 or 3 things off the list will feel like an accomplishment and help set your day to a positive vibration

Starting the day with intention and setting a tone for what’s to come is super important for your own mind and energy

If you do things that are both good for you and make you happy, waking up is going to become something to actually look forward to

My morning ritual goes like this

❀ Open blinds and turn red lightbulbs on (Philips Hue bulbs are THE BEST)

❀ Water (premade from the night before with lemon, mint, ginger and jalapenos)

❀ Five Minute Journal & a morning page dump

❀ Daily affirmations

❀ Meditation

❀ Bed stretch

❀ Put on lounge clothes

❀ Brush my teeth

❀ Take my dog out

❀ Pick up the newspaper

❀ Make coffee/tea

❀ Skincare

❀ Write down one thing I can do today to show me that I love me?

❀ Check itinerary and ask what on it I can control today? Put those tasks on the calendar

Don't fret over it

Like I said, I don’t go through all of them all the time. Sometimes the order messes up, other times I just don’t have time to do even half. But I have my 3 non-negotiables (water, the Five Minute Journal and meditation) that I carve out time to do because I’ve noticed they really set my day up. So keep in mind that even a couple of constant things that bring you joy and positivity can change the energy you wake up and carry on the day with.

Do you have a morning ritual? What do you have to do in the mornings before starting your day? Let me know in the comment section below!

Until next time,

Be present in the now cuties and start your days right~


Anything you want to talk about? Let me know

Thanks for the message! talk to you soon xo

© 2022 The Betterment Cusp - Yuliana Bourdin

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