We learn so much yet so little growing up. I guess it really depends on your parents but for the most part, I feel like basic ways of home living go over our heads. (I totally wish Home Ec was still taught in schools) We learn how to do laundry and how to do basic cleaning for when we go to college and live sans parents but there are things that kind of just fall through the cracks. Cleaning bed sheets and towels are one of them.
Washing bedsheets and towels
Okay so we all probably know that we need to wash them right? Although I’ve heard of people who didn’t know you had to wash your towels as often as you should. So here we are learning together.
Washing towels
In an ideal world, you’re supposed to wash your towels like every 3-4 times that you use them. In my opinion, that’s quite wasteful because we’re trying to conserve water not overuse it right? But I do think once a week you should definitely switch out your towel. It’s usually around this time that it starts to get kinda gross. It may not smell like that gross wet towel smell – we all know it – but it’s on the precipice and so why even bother with it at that point. Better to nip it in the bud so that your bathroom stays smelling clean.
How many towels should I have?
You should have at least 2 towels.
4 would be ideal because then you’re only washing your towels once a month.
Hot tip: get the exact same amount of hand and face towels so that you can switch them out at the same time.
Plus: add a reminder in your phone to remind you every week. That’s really the only way I remember.
Washing bedsheets
Now your bedsheets are a little trickier because it really depends on how you are.
Do you eat in bed?
Do you sleep naked?
How often do you have sex?
All of these play into how quickly your sheets will get dirty.
Again, in an ideal world – once a week. But hey, if you shower before bed and sleep in clean pyjamas (which you should be switching every 2-3 days for them to stay fresh) then it’ll last you way longer.
If you don’t shower before bed, then you may be shortening it as dead skin cells will end up in your bed.
I go by the at least twice a month rule
Put this in your calendar or reminders as well!
How many bedsheet sets should I have?
Have at least 2 bedsheet sets so that you’re also only washing them once a month
If you have in-unit laundry maybe it’s not that big of a hassle but I don’t so minimising laundry time is prime
My mom says that 3 is ideal and I believe her because you never know what can happen so it’s like an extra set you can use
Hot tips to making them last longer: rinse off before you shower, don’t eat in bed and lay down a towel before you get down ;)
How often do you like to wash your towels and sheets? Let’s talk about it below!
Until next time,
Stay present in the now and change your bedsheets~