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Better together

Hello beautiful being!!!

First things first, Happy Harvest Moon 🌕 A little context: today is this month’s full moon and by the ancient calendar, the full moon that falls closest to the autumnal equinox (when the Sun illuminates the northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth equally in autumn/fall) is called a Harvest Moon. Occasionally, depending on how the lunar cycle lines up, the Harvest Moon will be in October, taking over the Hunter’s Moon (October full moon’s name). The September full moon is called Corn Moon but since the autumnal equinox mainly falls in September, it rarely gets called that. The reason it’s called Harvest Moon is because it used to aid farmers in harvesting their summer crops with its brightness…

Okay without getting into too much too fast (says the person who already went on a tangent about the Harvest Moon) I thought I’d do a quick little intro so you can get to know me a little bit.

What's in a name?

Though before we get in

to that, I want to explain the name of the blog:

I think the best way to go about this is to define the words first (huge shoutout to Merriam Webster dictionary)

betterment noun

bet·​ter·​ment | \ ˈbe-tər-mənt \

Definition of betterment

1: a making or becoming better

2: an improvement that adds to the value of a property or facility

cusp noun

\ ˈkəsp \

Definition of cusp

: POINT, APEX: such as

a: a point of transition (as from one historical period to the next): TURNING POINT

also : EDGE, VERGE

So in other words, the betterment cusp is the point at which one can make something better.

I love writing and starting a blog has always been a “why not” moment for me but I never knew what I wanted to write about, right? I mean what was it that I wanted to say? What’s interesting enough to take up space in the blogsphere? Then recently things started aligning – I became obsessed with bettering myself in all senses - mentally, physically, emotionally (I think realising I was turning 27 had a lot to do with that you know?) and I got to thinking that we can all be on the verge of bettering ourselves every single day. I got this quote the other day from the Motivation App and it said “you only have one job: to be better today than you were yesterday”. Sounds like a doable task right?

So my intention for this blog is to encourage people (and myself) to better ourselves with small, inexpensive and super attainable tweaks to make life easier and… well, better, while focusing on both the inside and out of ourselves. I really want to share and provide content that can potentially better your life day-to-day as well as on a large scale, which I’ve and I hope to build a community with you so we can all support each other on our own cusp of betterment.

About me










September 20, 1994

Sun, Moon, Rising

Virgo/Libra Cusp, Aries, Sagittarius

Fun fact about me

I grew up in Japan

An irrational fear I have

Flags (especially the ones at dealerships - only Americans will understand that one)

My number one favourite movie:

Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At Worlds End

Something I’m obsessed with:

Currently, red light therapy

Something that makes me happy:

My home

The last concert I went to:

Purple Reign: A Prince Tribute show in Vegas

Favourite colour:

Forever favourite is sunset sky yellow and current favourite is purple

Favourite ice cream flavour:

Mint chocolate chip

Best place on earth:


Share your name below and answer one or two (or all) of the prompts! I’d love to get to know you as well <3

Until next time,

Be present in the now and let’s be friends~


Anything you want to talk about? Let me know

Thanks for the message! talk to you soon xo

© 2022 The Betterment Cusp - Yuliana Bourdin

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