For those who don't know, moons shapes how you feel. It’s like how the moon influences the tides of the ocean, it also influences the tides in you. It only makes sense right? We are like 80% water. The sign your moon falls in makes a vast difference in how you handle, show and process emotions. So welcome to my firey pit of being an Aries moon.
Okay so it's really not that bad at all. But I have also in the past been described as intense, too much, passionate, over the top. I’ve had moments of blind rage. When I was younger I would have these episodes of just seeing red and white and kind of blacking out while I destroyed my closet. Granted that may have had something to do with the hormones, lack of anger management that was passed onto me by my bloodline (read about my generation trauma here) and my underlying sense of not understanding my own identity as I didn’t know the gender marker NB yet. Anyway.
Up until I really got into astrology and then dissected my friend’s moons, and also started therapy, I didn’t realise how burstful I was. I mean I knew I was intense. I’ve been told that since I was 3. Granted, "intense" wasn't the word used, more like "wow you're so much it's crazy and a bit scary". But I never thought of that as bad. In moments when I was called that I was just standing up for myself. It was just me. But as you get older, being intense needs to be directed in the right ways and before therapy, I didn’t know what those right ways were.
Like when my partner and I have challenges we face in disagreeing ways, I definitely get way more into it than he does (he’s a Libra moon so it's a bit of a misbalance). It used to be way worse. He never wanted to talk about things and I always wanted to talk (read: vocalise). In retrospect, I was making up for the lack of feedback coming from him but that’s neither here nor there when it comes to how emotional I would get. There were times he would have to just tell me to "stop talking in that tone", "Can’t we just have a normal conversation?" Yikes to say the least.
I’m also way too brutal with the honesty. Sometimes I would take honesty too far. And if you wonder if that’s possible, totally. I learned a great quote when I was working through that for myself which was “honesty without tact is cruelty”. And tact is something I did not have. Telling people exactly how it is was a badge I carried with honour without realising that what I thought was helpful, was just me being critical.
How bad am I sounding to you right now? It’s hard to write these things sometimes. It’s like going down the path again. One I’ve healed from but it’s still not the fondest of memories to remember the hurtful things I’ve said. I felt like I always had to be a fire pit or I might go out altogether. Like bitch you can be a tea light candle for the day. But I hope someone reading this might find this helpful. To know that you’re not alone. That having a fire moon that you weren’t really taught to address or maintain or control isn’t the easiest of things but if become aware and willing to work on it, can end up being a source of so much more than angry spouts.
How to control those fire moon emotions
✿ Make a note titled something like “when feeling angry” and make a list of things that you should do - make it a point in moments of anger or frustrations or irritations to take a beat, open the note and do at least one thing off the list — a couple of things on my list include have a glass of water, roll your neck.
✿ Go to the balcony - I read this great book called Getting Past No and one of the concepts in the book the author talks about is being able to step aside to your mental balcony during a disagreement and look at the bigger picture. Imagine yourself on a balcony looking at the situation from afar. Separate yourself from it and therefore the emotions that are attached to it.
✿ If you’re in a place where you really hate that you have a fire moon, google positive aspects of your fire moon sign. I had to do this in the beginning because I refused to accept that being an Aries moon meant that I was stuck with having emotional outbursts until the end of my earthside journey.
And I’m not perfect. I will forever be an Aries moon. But I’m learning to not let it control me. I’m learning to take breaths and turn to my moon when I need inspiration and the power of creativity because I know a lot of my ability to create comes from the Aries. I've learned to be grateful for all the positive benefits I get from him and for all the lessons he's taught me. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Ultimately, I'm pretty sure he’s a big reason I’m able to write this post. And any other one. And all the poems I write. All the stories I write. It’s the intense emotional side of me that’s able to find the words to recount tales of my life and my mind. But raising my voice every time things get slightly heated is just not cute.
Do you have a fire moon? Did anything in this blog post resonate with you? Comment below or just let us know what you thought <3
Until next time,
Stay present in the now and find the good in all of your signs ~