Today I want to talk a bit more about why I’m including fashion in this blog. I want to be as open and honest as possible with y’all so here it goes. As I mentioned before, I think we can all better the relationship we have with clothes (I talked about fast fashion and bettering the way we consume fashion here) and the way we use them to express who we are.
Deep Breath In, Deep Breath Out
Well, at the beginning of this year, I came out as non-binary. It was a long and at times very difficult journey. I’ve always had this pendulum swinging range of feeling like a boy, feeling like a girl and genderlessness. Growing up, I didn’t know how to explain it. All I knew was that the first time I felt truly comfortable in clothes was in middle school when I got to wear boy clothes for Spirit Day.
The relationship I had with clothes up until this year was very much a way to try to find the person I was but how can you find yourself if you don’t even have the language to identify yourself? And it really wasn’t until the past couple of years that I started hearing about non-binary. Last year during the lockdown, I started reading and researching a little here and there. At first, I didn’t consciously know why. I just had this inexplicable pull towards it. Finally, I talked to my close friends about it and it all came together.
Your path is yours
Being non-binary is a different journey for each person. It’s a personal experience that you can maybe relate to on some level or not at all (an incredible book to read for this is Non-Binary Lives linked here). And I’ve only been out for 9 months so I’m still learning what it means to be non-binary for myself. What I do know though is fashion and more and more I see androgynous vibes in clothing online – just take a look at Gucci’s recent collections, Fendi Spring/Summer 21, DRESSEDUNDRESSED, Yeezy as a whole and JACQUEMUS LA MONTAGNE.
I love an androgynous moment and there are still days I like to vibe with my femininity or masculinity more (living on a pendulum is both difficult and fun) so I want to share how one can do that while having a closet that isn’t necessarily made up of items designed to be androgynous.
I think everyone should play around with the gender spectrum when it comes to clothing because you never know what you might find you like but didn’t get to experience/wear because of societal norms (we’re changing that I promise). So I hope to inspire and show you how one can play around with clothing and gender vibes.
Until next time,
Be present in the now and love is love 🏳️🌈