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How to make plans with people

So I’m a Virgo, right? Well partly. I will always enunciate to people that I’m on the cusp because I truly am not a full Virgo (I was raised by two full Virgos and they even agree so non-cusp believers please don’t @ me). But. The Virgo in me is still very much prominent. So I love a plan. I love a list, an itinerary, a check-off, a map with saved locations. It’s totally a kink of mine at this point. Organisation in general really does it for me. But the older I’ve gotten the more I’ve realised that planning really is a skill. See people call me a good planner but I think I was just born this way because I’m a Virgo, but I think it’s a skill that anyone can learn as well. Most skills are right?

How to better plan

❥ Use apps – that’s what all those ‘productivity’ apps are there for.

(I love how iPhone now has the self categorised app section when you swipe all the way to the left on your home screen. so any app that you already own that is meant for you to be productive will be in that section. Easy start. The calendar app should be your bff. And you should put everything in there. Birthdays, anniversaries, when your friend said they were going on vacation, when you’re going to eat. I mean everything. It’s not the easiest to keep up with a schedule because life happens you know. But the overall structure and knowing what you have to do that specific day or what’s going on in general in life is prime.)

❥ Other apps include: Do, Artful, Tally and Keep

❥ Have group chats (they can get intense I know but have your core friends in a chat so that y’all can easily plan) – send screenshots of schedules (school and/or work) and input those in your calendar so that you know who’s busy when - it makes planning so much easier. OR have a shared calendar where everyone inputs their own busy times so that you can all be on the same page always. Remember that big friend group gatherings become harder and harder as we all start to busy ourselves with our own lives and hustles and side hustles but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Good communication is prime and planning in advance is extra prime.

❥ Keep commuting in mind – find things to do where it’s a halfway point for you and your friend

❥ KISS - it doesn’t have to be some elaborate plan or adventure. Sure you need those too sometimes but let go of the pressure – something simple and sweet like a coffeeshop date or a lemonade in the park or cute dinner is sometimes all you need to get back to basics with those you love

The thing is, we’re so busy so often that we grow distant or apart without even realising it. We feel like we’re connecting because we can all text and see each other’s stories but IRL matters most. All of a sudden it’ll be 2 weeks since you’ve seen your best friend and they only live 20 minutes away from you. That’s not a vibe, right? Planning will make sure it doesn’t happen.

Major tip: Have standing dates. Decide that every third Thursday (or maybe even every Thursday) you will get together. Communicate that of course life happens and you may need to reschedule to another day but also that you both want to carve out time to catch up. That way you’ll have a solid day when you’re going to see and spend time together.

How do you go about making plans with friends? Do you have any tips for how to ease scheduling in a friend group? Comment below!

Until next time,

Stay present in the now and make a plan with a friend you haven’t seen in a while~


Anything you want to talk about? Let me know

Thanks for the message! talk to you soon xo

© 2022 The Betterment Cusp - Yuliana Bourdin

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